This workshop aims to look at and understand the actions of how we move from one part of an asana through to our ‘finished’ state, and what we need to aid and understand this transition. Ropes will be used as part of this workshop, alongside asana and pranayama.
Our journeys are complex from the inception to the final pose: emotionally, muscularly and intelligently. We move through asana and practice too often a little automatically. We will explore the in-between and the resulting achievement through this journey, learning to appreciate ourselves, our practice, and our challenges along the way.
Lizzie is a Senior Iyengar teacher and Mentor, living and teaching in Bristol. She loves to help people see their potential and grow through their yoga. Lizzie teaches classes of mixed abilities, experienced classes for teachers and also takes personal classes for people with injuries or physical difficulties.
This workshop is suitable for students with at least 3 years of regular yoga practice and will be followed by a light lunch in the social area of the Vishuddha Centre.
Cost: £45. Book here