Are you ready to take off and fly for the first time? Or do you want to take your arm balancing practice to the next level? Then join me for my arm balancing workshop at The Vishuddha Yoga Centre. There will be plenty of options for everyone at all levels!
I will break down the techniques of the most common arm balances in more depth than it would be possible in a regular yoga class and work on progressions and funky transitions for those of you with a more acrobatic practice.
You will learn how to approach arm balances with safe alignment and confidence and explore individual anatomy in these postures. You will also learn some drills that build the strength, flexibility, and stamina for arm balancing.
Classic arm balances we will explore during the workshop include crow, baby crow, side crow, and crane variations, firefly, dragon fly, hurdler’s pose, and some variations and progressions evolved from Forrest Yoga. Get in touch with me if you have any special requests for specific arm balances.
The Vishuddha Centre is offering 10% discount on all workshop registrations until the 17th of February with code WORKSHOP10 at check out.
Cost: £30 Book here.