Backbends can be invigorating and uplifting. They help to keep the spine supple and open the chest and heart, increasing breath capacity. Backbends open us outwards, counteracting the familiar closed chest and rounded backs we develop in daily life as we sit at our computers, bend over our mobile phones, or relax on our sofas. However, backbends can be challenging, both physically and emotionally, and so need to be approached slowly and with patience.
Join us for an energising morning exploring backbends in the Iyengar tradition. We will guide you through the asana that help to prepare the body for backbends by opening the front body and accessing the upper back and shoulders. We will explore the prone backbends and the Iyengar methods for practicing backbends with support from yoga props. Variations will be given to suit practitioners of all levels. Finally, we will look at asana that can help to re-balance and calm the mind after a backbend session.
This workshop is suitable for those with a basic yoga practice ready to take-on backbends, and for more experience practitioners looking to understand backbends in more depth. The workshop will be followed by a light lunch in the welcoming social space and garden of the Vishuddha Yoga Centre Oxford.
Cost: £30 (inclusive light lunch). Book here.