A somatic movement focuses on the perceived internal experience rather than the external shape. Somatics is a movement therapy, a way of re-educating the way our brain senses and moves the muscles. Thomas Hanna, a movement theorist, coined the term somatics in 1976.
The two hours workshop includes a brief theoretical part introducing to the concept of somatic movement with a focus on the hip joints and their connection to knees, feet and ankles. The moving practice will mainly target the hips, knees, and feet and ankles, emphasising how these joints affect our posture and the way we walk, increasing our self-awareness as we move.
The entire practice is done very slow and with very precise movements. It can become a nice integration to one’s personal yoga practice.
No previous experience required.
Cost: £20. You can book here. The session will run at the Vishuddha Centre and over Zoom, so please make sure you select the right category when you book.