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Yoga Book Group: Discussing "The Inner Tradition of Yoga" by Michael Stone

Why not join our friendly informal group? The next discussion will focus on chapters 19 and 20 of The Inner Tradition of Yoga: a guide to yoga philosophy for the contemporary practitioner, by Michael Stone. There will be a simple vegan/vegetarian meal served afterwards. There is no charge but it’s nice if you can make a small donation towards Vishuddha’s running costs. If you want to find out more contact Netia or simply turn up.ds.

16 March

The Art of Rocking and Harmonics: Rhythm, Release and Renewal - Advanced Thai Yoga Massage [and Bodywork] Workshop with Katrin Heuser

27 April

Nourish and Flow: Yoga and Nutrition for Menopause Support with Daniela Tramonti and Milena Mastroianni